Research, Guidance, and Relations

Categorization is Political: Using Grounded Theory in the Creation of Controlled Vocabularies
Inuit Circumpolar Council

By classifying and categorizing Arctic observations in accordance with knowledge systems of the people whose land the observation was taken on, Indigenous-led theories will be given their proper place in the role of Arctic observation. As a start, grounded theory informed by constructivism can begin to establish a preliminary classifications structure from pre-existing data. These preliminary re-classifications may align with Indigenous language & linguistic structure and categorization.

Co-Creating Research Projects: Some Personal Experiences from Saami Council and Arctic Researchers
Saami Council

"Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in co-creating research projects is often perceived as challenging both from the perspective of the researchers and the Indigenous Peoples and communities. Indigenous partners often note that the inclusion process tends to be an administrative check mark rather than establishing a long-term good working relationship between the research team and the Indigenous partner.

ICC Ethical and Equitable Engagement Synthesis Report
Inuit Circumpolar Council

A collection of Inuit rules, guidelines, protocols, and values for the engagement of Inuit Communities and Indigenous Knowledge from Across Inuit Nunaat