Community Resilience & Security

2023 Arctic Coasts Workshop Report: Changes, Impacts, and Solutions - Working Towards a Resilient Future
Ming Xiao

The Arctic Coasts Workshop was held on October 9 to 11, 2023 at the University of Colorado Boulder. 64 in-person and 4 on-line participants attended the workshop. The goal of the workshop was to bring together a dynamic group of experts to exchange knowledge regarding coastal hazards and impacts, strengthen and expand partnerships, and develop actionable and immediate recommendation for Arctic research and community resilience.

Inuit Education Summit
Inuit Circumpolar Council

In recognition of the important role that education plays in economic, cultural, social, and political development of a people, and the critical education gaps faced by Inuit today, the delegates of the 2014 Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) General Assembly mandated the ICC Executive Council to hold an Inuit Education Summit prior to the next quadrennial ICC General Assembly in July 2018.

North Slope Regional Food Security Workshop: How to Assess Food Security from an Inuit Perspective
Inuit Circumpolar Council

This report reviews the information discussed during the North Slope Food Security workshop, as well as information gleaned from our other project activities to date. This report will be one component of several that will contribute to our final assessment tool and definition of Inuit food security and drivers of food in/security.

Wildlife Management Summit Report
Inuit Circumpolar Council

The Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) hosted the Wildlife Management Summit that took place on November 6 to 8, 2017 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada to deliver on the commitment made in Article 40 of the Kitigaaryuit Declaration, as adopted at the 2014 ICC General Assembly in Inuvik, which, “directs ICC to plan and host an Inuit summit on wildlife management.” The ICC Wildlife Management Summit’s goal was to examine the influence that policies (international, regional, national instruments), environmental change, public perceptions, and changing social economic conditions in the Arctic are having

Summary Report - Alaskan Inuit Food Sovereignty Initiative: Utqiagvik Steering Committee
Inuit Circumpolar Council

The Action Plan will empower our people to seek reform and justice as we collectively work towards securing access and management rights over our traditional food resources and to create long-term systematic and policy change that will advance food sovereignty and benefit Inuit communities throughout our four regions of Alaska.

Summary Report - Alaskan Inuit Food Sovereignty Initiative: Bethel Steering Committee
Inuit Circumpolar Council

The Action Plan will empower our people to seek reform and justice as we collectively work towards securing access and management rights over our traditional food resources and to create long-term systematic and policy change that will advance food sovereignty and benefit Inuit communities throughout our four regions of Alaska.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2020-2024
Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference

The purpose of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is engagement with stakeholders: local governments, businesses, associations, membership organizations, tribes, and State and Federal agencies to implement the collective best practices for the improvement of the regional economy. The CEDS is to be an evolving, guiding document for SWAMC, providing direction that supports economic development in the region backed by quantifiable data and the insight of our leadership.

Promoting Resilience and Adaptation in Coastal Arctic Alaska
Adapt Alaska

This synthesis represents a summary of conversations during four workshops held in regional hub communities of Nome, Unalaska, King Salmon and Kotzebue. Over six months in 2016, almost 200 participants from 34 tribes, 14 state and federal agencies, local communities as well as several research institutions and nongovernmental organizations shared their insights on the most urgent risks and vulnerabilities for coastal communities and resources. They also identified key opportunities for collaboration between communities and agencies

Northern Bering Sea Resolution 2014
Bering Sea Elders Group

Resolution for Stronger and More Lasting Protection of Tribal Subsistence Resources in the Northern Bering Sea and to Ensure Tribal Self-Determination for Decisions Impacting These Resources

Environmental Impact Assessment Workshop Report
Gwich'in Council International

The goals of the Workshop were threefold: (1) to share information gathered through the Arctic Council project with the communities; (2) gain insights that can be shared with the Arctic Council project on best practices emanating from the Gwich’in Settlement Area; and (3) provide an opportunity to build capacity and facilitate discussions amongst those involved in Environmental Impact Assessments.